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Sunday, 30 April 2017

Dakhil Result 2017 Madrasha Education Board

On : 02:37
Dear friends you may already finished the Madrasah Education board Bangladesh Exam and now waiting for the Dakhil Result 2017 publication date. SSC and Dakhil Exam result will publish at the same time in the website. Dakhil and SSC are same level but course curriculum are slightly different. So if you appeared the Dakhil Examination you need to study some extra subject.

Every year many Madrasah students participate in the Dakhil exam. It is an examination under Bangladesh education board. Though they have different board but controlled but Main education board BD. You can also check your Dakhil Exam 2017 Result from the main board authorized website It is the distinct website and you need to visit there to check your exam result. During the result publication date many students and their relatives are visited this web portal. It does not tolerate the extra loading at that day because of the limited bandwidth problem. So you need to learn a alternative method to check your exam result at that day.

Check Dakhil Exam 2017 Result Online:-

 First of all I am going to provide you proper instruction to check your board exam result online. It is a prompt and popular method to all students. 

  1. First of all visit 
  2. Select Examination, Year and Board Name
  3. Provide your Roll and Registration number
  4. Fill up the machine generated Capcha
  5. Hit Submit button

Check Dakhil Exam 2017 Result with Mobile SMS:-

 In the previous paragraph I mentioned that during the result publication time you may not access the education board result publication website. So you need to think an alternative way. You can use mobile sms system to check your result quickly. Here is the procedure.

DAKHIL<space>MAD<space>Your Roll No<space>2017 Then Send the Message to 16222 Number

Then you need to wait for sometimes. It may take about an hour to replay the message with your Dakhil Result 2017. It is actually a short process. You may not know details about your result from a mobile SMS system.

Check Other Board Exam Result -2017:-You can also check SSC and HSC Exam result with the same procedure. But here you need to change some options. So visit our provided links to know details the result checking procedure.

SSC Result 2017 with Teletalk SMS, Online, Mobile App

If you face any problem to check your SSC or Dakhil Result 2017 please do not hesitate to provide your academic details with email. You give us your board name, roll, registration commenting in the following box. We will send you email after checking your Dakhil Result  2017 as early as possible. Cheek Vocational result 2017 Techniccal Board 2017


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