JSC Result 2017 Comilla Board.
You are a student of comilla board??
And you are looking for the options how you can get a hold of your JSC Result 2017
comilla board??
Then welcome to our website. This website is one of the finest alternative
website in Bangladesh for JSC result comilla board.
will able to obtain your JSC Exam Result 2017 Camilla Education Board with no
trouble from here. Not only comilla board result you will be able to see all
the other board JSC results also from our website. Conducting JSC exam is one
of most important task for education board Bangladesh. Junior school
certificate is the second board exam in which all the students of class (Viii)
have to take part.
per the information we have received the education board in considering to
publish the JSC result 2017 on 29th December. Comilla
education board and also all other general education board as well madrasa
board will publish their result on the similar day. In fact, Comilla Education
Board JSC SSC HSC results and the entire works are controlled by the Chairman
of Comilla Education Board.
How to get JSC Result 2017 Comilla Board by the
the recent time most of the students in Bangladesh utilize the mobile internet.
So now by using internet or online students can acquire their JSC result
2017 comilla board. Continuously, we make use of the internet so it is the
improved arrangement to find JSC result 2017 and all other public board
examination Result.
if you want to find your result via using online then firstly you have to open
one of the browsers like (Opera, Google Chromo, UC browser or Firefox) from
your Mobile or computer. In the next step you have to go to the official
website of education board.
have to fill up the entire blank box with information related to JSC exam
result like examination name which is JSC, exam year then Comilla
Education board, next type JSC roll number and put up the captcha code
number and in conclusion click the submit button. Example below-
You Can Check Your SSC Result 2018 & HSC Result 2018 Here
Comilla board JSC result 2017 through online
first go to “Comilla Education Board” official website address.
select “JSC/JDC exam”
choose “2017” on the examination year box
pick “Comilla Board” from Education board list option.
then type “Roll number”.
have to be Fill up the “Captcha code” carefully
the end click “Submit” button.
Click here to
Check: JSC Result 2017
comilla board
Comilla Board JSC Result 2017 via SMS:
you familiar with the process how to dig up Comilla Board JSC exam
Result 2017 from your Mobile phone via SMS system? Any JSC candidates can
search out Comilla Board JSC Result 2017 from their individual
Mobile phone set. Firstly open your mobile message selection then type JSC
(Space) and then type first three capital letters of the Comilla Education
Board (space) and then put six digit JSC roll number (space)
examination year And then you have to send it to 16222.
Short Policy to find Comilla Board JSC Result:
Type JSC [space] COM [space] 123569 [space] 2017 and send it to
16222 number.
For example: JSC COM 123569 2017 16222
sending the SMS you will get a return SMS with your result in it.
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