When SSC exam will be finished then the main question will be when the ssc result will be published? How can we get the SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board? You are going to find all of your answers in this article. Because in this article, I have written about SSC Result 2018 Bangladesh and how you can get you result in various and simple ways. So, please read the article below.
SSC Result 2018 Dhaka Board
In the current year almost 11, 74,844 students took part of the SSC exam from 10 boards. The SSC exam was started in 1 February 2018 and will end on 20 March with the practical exam. The SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board will be published on the same day when all boards publish their results. It is hard to say the exact date of the SSC result because the education board has not declared the result date. But we can predict that the result will be published on 11 May 2018. My prediction is based on the policy that education board uses to publish the results 60 days after the last exam.
SSC Result 2018 will be published 4th May 2018 at 2.00 PM
How to get SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board from the Internet
The internet is the best media to find your SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board. You can visit the official website of Dhaka education board www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. In this process, what you need is an internet connection and a computer or mobile phone. But, I will clearly recommend for choosing another alternative because in the result publishing day the official website of Dhaka board gets jammed. It keeps loading and loading. It is a great waste of time and the students get much tensed for their result. But, I am going to give you a solution too. You can visit our website for your SSC Result 2018 BD. In our website, you will find your result without facing any problem or long time loading.
For getting SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board from the Internet you need to visit official website of Dhaka board. And provide the following information.
- Select you exam name Such as SSC
- Provide your SSC Exam Roll & Registration Number
- Select SSC exam Board such as Dhaka Board
- Select SSC Exam year 2018
- Fill the capture like 4+3=7
- Finally click on submit bottom for your expected SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board
How to get SSC Result 2018 Dhaka Board by Mobile
There is another way to get your SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board by your mobile. By using your mobile, you can get your result in two ways.
The first way, you can download an Android App and view your result. You just need an internet connection. You can download this App from the Google Play Store of any Android phone.
The second way, You Also can get your SSC Result 2018 Bangladesh by SMS. All you have to do is go to the message option of your phone and type this.
SSC<space>DHA<space>Roll No<space>Passing year and then send to 16222.
Now, an example will give you a clear understanding, SSC DHA 121314 2018 and send to 16222.Here “DHA” is the first 3 letters of Dhaka board.
Finally, I will say that SSC Result is very important for every student’s life. And to make sure you get your SSC Result 2018 BD very easily, our website is always here for you. God gives you the desired result you are hoping. And please visit our website for your SSC Result 2018 Dhaka board.
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